We wanted to do two things with this business:
1. Create a product that people can't get enough of.
2. Save the bees in the process.
Those are some big goals, but I think we've done it. Our unique honey blends are new to the market, and they're probably unlike anything you've seen before. We took the honey you're used to and made it better (at least we think so). Not only is it better tasting and better for you, but it's better for the bees. We use our platform and our profits to help fund our mission of saving the bees. By buying products from us, you're directly supporting things like creating pollinator corridors, educating the community, safe relocation of bee swarms, and so much more.
If you're anything like us, you'll use our honey on everything, but here are a few ideas.
Raw honey is straight from the hive. Without pasteurizing the honey, it still contains antioxidants, enzymes, and amino acids.
Organic honey means that our bees (and they flowers they pollinate) are never treated with chemicals.
We'll give you all the tools you need.