How To Help

"We are all Beekeepers. Plant Flowers Keep Bees!"
At Home
- Plant pollinator wildflower seeds.
- Plant pollinator wildflowers around your home. Not only will it help the pollinators, increase your garden yield by attracting pollinators, but it will also create habitat for many predatory insects. Save the bees and get rid of the bugs that eat your garden.
- Each order of any Simply Bee Products will receive a FREE packet of pollinator wild flower seeds. They are lovely additions to your yard or gardens.
- Plant a Bee Friendly Garden
- Provide a diverse planting of plants which will have blooms in every season
- Provide plenty of different colors, shapes, and plant families
- Cluster flowers. Bees visit one type at a time so let's make their work easier!
- Plant herbs and let some of them go to flower. Bees love herbs and collect the healing oils from their blossom
- Choose plants which have not been treated with pestisides
- For lists of pollinator plants in your region visit:
- Medicate the Bees - Mushroom Herbal Tea
- Stay Tuned for Paul Stamets and Fungi Perfecti to release their citizen scientist project and bee feeders with mushroom herbal tea extract to help the bees fight viruses devastating their colonies.
- Create Habitat
- Make a Solitary Bee House.

- Build an easy Bee Nest Bundle
- For twig nesting bees, plant perennial plans and leave the dried stems at the end of the flowering season for the bee nests the following year.
- For ground nesting bees, garden pathways of packed dirt are excellent habitat for bees.

- Love thy Dandelion!
- Dandelion's are the first flowers to bloom in the spring. The bees depend on these early blooms to refuel after a long winter of eating their honey stores. Let those beautiful yellow flowers grow.
- Did you know Dandelions are edible? Dandelions have been eaten for centuries. They are rich in vitamins and minerals. Even the blossoms can be made into a delicious wine.
- Don't Spray with chemicals
- Decrease your pesticide usage: More info
- Save the Swarms!
- The natural reproduction of Bees is to split in the spring, where half the hive and the old queen go look for a new home. This is called Swarming. If you see a large group of bees in one of your trees, do not spray them. Google search for bee swarm collection in your area. There are tons of competitive bee keepers who will come out for free to take them to a good home. If they have decided your home, is just the home for them. Do NOT spray them. There are plenty of bee keepers in your area who specialize in humanely removing the bees.
- Support Pollinator friendly Businesses
Here at Simply Bee Organics we dedicate our passion and resources to setting up pollinator meadows near community gardens, community areas, organic farms and gardens to help rebuild our diminishing honey bee and native pollinator populations. Contact us for information on how to help us in Colorado or for information on how to start these type of initiatives in your home town. If you are interested in starting a pollinator meadow in your community or farm, contact us to work with us or for more information.
In The Neighborhood
Did you know there are more than 4,000 species of native bees that live in the United States and Canada? They range from as small as 1/10 of an inch to over an inch. 95% of them are solitary and live in the ground or in wood. Especially the small bees can only go a few blocks without needing a flower to refuel. Through creating pollinator safe neighborhoods, you are helping to supply habitat and jumping off points for these little bees to forage the nectar and pollen they so desperately need.
Check out this TED TALK- Get your neighbors involved. Become a pollinator safe neighborhood coordinator!
- For more information visit:
- Become a citizen scientist and help monitor native bees
- Bumble Bee Watch
- For more information visit:
In Society
- Support Local Pollinator Friendly Legislation
- Join and Support Pollinator Friendly Organization in your area
Educate Yourself...
Reference and links for more info on pollinators and conservation
- U.S. Forest Service Pollinator Information
- The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
- People and Pollinator Action Network
- The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign
- The Economic Impacts of Pollinator Declines: An Approach to Assessing the Consequences
- Pollinator Partnership for Information and Resources
- BugGuide - Insect Identification
- Bee Identification and Urban Bee Gardens
- An Introduction to Our Native Bees
- 5 Reasons to start a pollinator garden
- Extracts of Mushrooms Reduce Viruses in Honey Bees - Nature Magazine
- Flowers For Bees -