WildFlower Seeds

Help Us Save The Bees
Free Wildflower Seeds
We include FREE wildflower seeds in every order specially chosen to help feed and shelter pollinators. Plant flowers and help us do something tangible to help. Becoming a Bee Guardian! All seeds are non-GMO and Neonicotinoid-Free
Please plant these seeds, spring, summer or fall around your garden or yard. Not only will you get beautiful flowers, the bees with thank you and your garden. The meadow you create will also give sanctuary to many predatory insects to eat the bugs in your garden. Each packet will contain annuals which will reseed themselves, and perennials which will last for years to come.
Seed packets may include: Butterfly Milkweed, Patridge Pea, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Cosmos Sensation Mix, Purple Coneflower, California Poppy, Blanket Flower, Dwarf Sunspot Sunflower, Meadow Foam, Dwarf Lupinie, Arroyo Lupine, Bee Balm, Lacy Phacelia, Mexican Hat, Crimson Clover.
Wildflower Meadows
At Simply Bee we partner with community gardens, and organic farms to build pollinator friendly wildflower meadows around their gardens to feed and nourish the honey bees and provide sustainable habitat and foraging for native pollinators. Wouldn't want to forget the noble bumble bee!
Learn how to start a pollinator meadow
If you have a community or organic farm and want to partner with us, please contact us! We'd love to help.